Director Rob Condon opened the Gates of Hell to give us this abomination of all that is good and holy in the world: Renesmee. Also, what can laughingly be called the narrative of Twilight started smoking meth and doing bath salts while shooting up with Edward's favourite drug, heroin. It only gets worse from here folks. Let's rip the head off The Twilight Saga once and for all as it's time for A Ghoul Versus The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2!
The movie opens with a LOT of landscape
footage porn as we all anxiously await Bella to start narrating
another emo poem she wrote in the sixth grade. And wait. And wait...
Jesus, did I throw in Prometheus by mistake? We cut to a lot
of closeups of Bella's face and eyes as she... looks around.
THRILLING! Edward starts talking to her- BULLSHIT!
Where is my endless boring narration by Bella “I Live Up My Own
Ass” Swan?! We're not even five minutes in yet and I'm already
pissed off. I wanted to see a TWILIGHT movie, not whatever the
hell this is.
Bella finally remembers she has a
daughter, but Edward won't let her see Renesmee until she goes
hunting first to keep her thirst in check. Some TERRIBLE special
effects follow of Bella being awesome as it slowly dawns on me the
theme of this movie is going to be “LOOK HOW TOTES AWESOME
STEPHENIE MEYER- I MEAN BELLA IS!”. She does kill a mountain lion
with her bare hands, but that's the best they got? Why not an entire
PACK of mountain lions? Come on Breaking Dawn, we need to see
how AMAZING Bella is every three seconds or this movie isn't going to
be realistic.
They return home, Bella surprised to
see Jacob is still there. She's even more surprised when Jacob tells
the two vampires how great they look together. Oh just you wait
Bella, you don't even KNOW surprised yet. She goes inside to meet her
Satanspawn and- AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! It's more horrifying than ever! Satanspawn touches Bella's face, which
gives Bella a flash of the baby's first memory. We learn the baby
also has mutant powers, because Super Awesome Bella could NEVER just
give birth to a lame ass normal vampire. That'd be stupid!
Jacob finally drops the bombshell about his GROSS, GROSS VIOLATION of Megan's Law, so Bella drags him outside to... hmm. I'm not sure, she's like raising her voice and saying words real loud. I think it's called “yelling” but Kristen Stewart is so fucking terrible at it I'm probably wrong. Jacob stammers through an explanation that all he wants is for Satanspawn to be safe and happy, but I'm pretty sure I saw his fingers crossed the entire time.
Jacob finally drops the bombshell about his GROSS, GROSS VIOLATION of Megan's Law, so Bella drags him outside to... hmm. I'm not sure, she's like raising her voice and saying words real loud. I think it's called “yelling” but Kristen Stewart is so fucking terrible at it I'm probably wrong. Jacob stammers through an explanation that all he wants is for Satanspawn to be safe and happy, but I'm pretty sure I saw his fingers crossed the entire time.
That night the Cullens present Bella
with her “birthday” present: a big ass house they built in the
woods for the newlyweds. This scene is important because there was
almost kind of something going on in the movie, we actually had
scenes that sort of flowed together to create cohesive storytelling
that feels completely out of place in a Twilight movie. A
tedious and lifeless scene of Edward and Bella having sex thankfully
restores us back to the status quo as the movie loses ANY steam it
had going on at this point.
It is flat out AMAZING how fast the
movie quickly falls apart, and we're not even twenty minutes in yet.
There's a pointless subplot with Jacob telling Charlie about the
supernatural world that's been going on right under his nose, but
it's only noteworthy for how embarrassed the actor playing Charlie
now seems to be. You can tell he just wants to GTFO out of this
franchise once and for all, and just rushes through all of his lines.
Ladies and gentlemen, the face of a
man who does not give a FUCK.
Because they wasted so much of Breaking
Dawn's story on the wedding, the film goes FULL MONTAGE to speed
things up. Renesmee goes from infant to a little girl in a very short
amount of time, which is a really neat way of sparing Super Awesome
Bella from having to deal with any of the things having a newborn
baby usually entails. Lucky her! Irina, the bitchy vampire from the last
movie played by Maggie Grace, spots Satanspawn out in the woods one
day. Bella fires up the worst running special effects I've ever seen
to track her down, but Irina easily escapes and goes to the Volturi
to rat out the Cullens. See, one of the major vampire laws is- hold
on a second.
Caius, one of the Volturi, finally gets
more than a second of screen time and damn if he doesn't look
mightily familiar. Where have I-OH GOOD GOD NO! Jamie Campbell Bower
of The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones. Well, congratulations Mr. Bower, you've
now been in two of the worst Young Adult Movie adaptions ever made! Right, so one of the major vampires
laws is DON'T TURN KIDS. This triggers a vision in Alice, who
sees the Volturi are coming for them for committing this crime even
though everyone knows it's just a guise so they can finally be rid of
the Cullens once and for all. Bella tries to point out that
Satanspawn was born and not bitten, so she isn't a true Vampire Child
(or “Immortal Child” as they call them here).
Edward shoots this down by saying Aro
has all the evidence he'll need from reading Irina's mind to strike.
Jacob wants to fight, but Edward cooks up a plan they'll get a bunch
of vampires all over the world to witness Satanspawn growing which
will be enough to overrule the Volturi... or something. This actually
all makes sense, but since the movies did a horrible job on
establishing what exactly the Volturi are it just seems silly.
As far as we've seen this is the ENTIRE
Volturi, plus two extra goons that sometimes pop up whenever
someone's head needs torn off. In New Moon they're said to be
like a royal family, but that's about it. Are they actually the
rulers of all vampires? If so, how does it all work? It's
around this time Alice and Jasper take off for mysterious reasons,
although I suspect Alice had to work on memorizing her lines for The
Apparition and Jasper had to get ready to star in... Cowgirls
'N Angels?!? Sadly though it
appears Jackson Rathbone didn't nail his performance as he wasn't
invited back for the blockbuster sequel. Poor,
poor Jackson. Missed the boat on that gravy train!
was I? Oh joy, Bella's narrating again. The Cullens go on a worldwide
tour, trying to sway as many vampires as they can to their cause.
They spend a LOT of time doing this, making me actually shocked they
didn't attempt to stretch this into THREE movies because ALL OF THIS
IS FILLER. All of it. We get scene after scene of the Cullens
traveling to different countries and recruiting to the most
unimaginative stereotypical characters possible. I'm
just bummed there were no African tribesmen or Japanese ninja
stereotypes. Are you even TRYING anymore, Twilight?
sets the stage for our next “It's Twilight, Time For Another WTF
Moment" as all of the vampires settled down at the Cullen house. Most
of these vampires are not “vegetarians” like their hosts, Bella
telling Jacob they've agreed not to kill humans in the area. Jacob
points out they'll just hunt elsewhere, but then shrugs his shoulders
like “Oh well, who fucking cares?”. Yes, because that's EXACTLY
what Jacob's character has been established as being the last two
movies. He was ready to kill all the Cullens just for aiding Bella
turning into a vampire when it was her own choice, but now widespread
murder of humans takes a seat to his wildly inappropriate new
upon reels of more filler footage of both sides preparing for the
confrontation follows and at this point I am FIGHTING to stay awake.
I gave Eclipse A LOT of crap for being almost completely
pointless, but this... God. I'm running out of ways to scream “THIS
ISN'T A MOVIE!” after enduring scene after scene of padding. Later
(I have no idea of a timespan anymore) Bella finds a note from Alice
that leads her to Mr. Jenks, a lawyer in Seattle. He gives Bella an
envelope containing forged documents for Jacob and Renesmee, which
leads Bella to believe Alice has had a vision that she and Edward
will fall in the upcoming battle. Yeah okay, I TOTALLY believe Edward
and Bella are going to die at the end. SUSPENSE! They spend Christmas
with Charlie to prolong the story out some more while Jacob gazes at
Renesmee with all the power of Pedobear.
What are
they telling Renesmee about him at this point, now that she's smart
enough to understand things? “Oh, this is just our good family
friend who is one day going to start thinking about you in a sexual
nature!”. That'll make for the most awkward birds and the bees talk
since... well, the last one Twilight did. At this
point even awkwardness would be appreciated as opposed to NOTHING.
Out of all the films I've reviewed, this is BY FAR the most boring.
It's been over half an hour of people standing around and talking.
Sitting and talking. Driving and talking. Talking and talking and
talking. I'm so glad they introduced TWENTY NEW CHARACTERS at the
last minute so they could stretch this out as far as possible by
giving them chunks of screen time. We so care, we really really do.
FINALLY the Volturi show up and HOLY SHIT they're rocking an army! Probably should have showed us something like this much, much earlier in the series. Regardless this means more Aro, so at least THIS will be somewhat enjoyable. Aro reads Edward's mind, learning the truth about Satanspawn. He asks to meet her, Bella bringing her daughter over to the only reason to EVER watch Twilight. Aro gives the GREATEST CACKLING LAUGH IN HISTORY as he hears Renesmee's heart beating, and it's so comforting to know at least one person had fun making this movie. Seriously, this laugh is completely worth sitting through the entire movie to hear. I can just picture Sheen laughing his arse off the second the cameras stopped rolling.
FINALLY the Volturi show up and HOLY SHIT they're rocking an army! Probably should have showed us something like this much, much earlier in the series. Regardless this means more Aro, so at least THIS will be somewhat enjoyable. Aro reads Edward's mind, learning the truth about Satanspawn. He asks to meet her, Bella bringing her daughter over to the only reason to EVER watch Twilight. Aro gives the GREATEST CACKLING LAUGH IN HISTORY as he hears Renesmee's heart beating, and it's so comforting to know at least one person had fun making this movie. Seriously, this laugh is completely worth sitting through the entire movie to hear. I can just picture Sheen laughing his arse off the second the cameras stopped rolling.
reads her mind, declaring she is not an Immortal Child to the rest of
the Volturi. Caius calls for Irina to be brought forward, and has her
head and arms fucking ripped off! GODDAMN! Irina's sisters try to
attack the Volturi in retaliation, but Edward stops them so a fight
doesn't break out because NOTHING is allowed to happen in this movie.
Not that a fight would be even remotely entertaining based off the
battle choreography of the franchise, but at least it'd mean people
MOVING instead of talking.
tries to use her powers to inflict pain on Edward, but Bella deflects
it with her power dampening ability. Oh, I forgot to mention it turns
out Bella has the ability to negate any vampire power because she's
Super Awesome. She had this even when she was human, which is why
Edward was never able to read her mind. So not only are there
vampires and werewolves in the Twilight universe, there's mutants too
because Stephenie Meyer is NOT making this all up as she goes along.
I repeat, Stephenie Meyer is NOT making this up as she goes along.
not giving up though, changing tact and saying Renesmee is too
dangerous to their kind to live. Alice and Jasper suddenly reappear,
Alice saying she has proof contrary to this. She gives Aro her hand,
but then realizes he's going to kill everyone no matter what he's
shown. Aro has his men grab Alice because she's the thing he was
referring to at the end of the last movie, as he wants her unique
ability for his coven. Carlisle tries to stop him, but Aro RIPS HIS
BLOODY HEAD OFF! HOLY SHIT! The movie turns into Lord of the
Rings as both sides rush each other and the battle is on!
are getting severed right and left in the most violent ways possible
as I reflect this series began about some stupid high school girl and
her bullshit relationship drama. How far we've come. One of the good
vampires, who I'm going to call Avatar the Last Airbender because he
has elemental powers, opens a rift in the ground that is so deep we
can see magma as vampires and wolves start falling in. The main
Volturi join the fight next, first up is Caius. It doesn't go well
for him. He dies is one of the most graphic murders ever captured on
screen as he gets the top of his head RIPPED OFF. FUCKING SHIT!
Mother of God, if all preteen romance movies were this violent the
horror genre would be out of business! Seriously, did they think this
is something a bunch of twelve year olds wanted to see?!?
the other of the Volturi Big Three, is the next to fall so Aro sets
foot onto the field. Now it's time for the real boss fight! ...or
not, Bella and Edward tag team him and decapitate him in like a few
seconds. You know, back when I first started watching this series I
never thought “Bella literally tears someone's head off” would
ever come into play, but here we are. Bella
sets his body on fire and then- huh? Aro lets go of Alice's hand
looking horrified? Did they just- no, they wouldn't... OMFG they did.
can't believe it. Twilight
did it! They- they actually just did that. This is the point where I
began to actually RESPECT this franchise for how much it does NOT
give fuck one. It's been four movies of nonstop cliches and horrible
writing, and in every movie you got the hints that no one really
cared they just wanted to crank these things out on a yearly basis to
bring in jaw dropping amounts of money. But this... this is just
There is
no mass battle fakeout in the book. Alice never shows Aro a vision of
the future, the vampires just stand around and talk. And talk. And
talk. The film makers probably realized they had just made one of the
most boring and pointless movies in HISTORY so they had to do
something, anything, to reward the people that were still awake in
the theater at this point. I guess they felt sorry for torturing
countless boyfriends and husbands the past four movies so threw them
a bone with some horrific video game violence because that's all guys
care about apparently.
can think of no other reason for what we just saw. That's not to say
women don't love gratuitous violence as much as men do, but again,
think of the TARGET AUDIENCE of these movies. They
paid to see the “epicer than epic” love story between Bella,
Edward, and Jacob, not cranked up violence that would totally fit in
with something like Saw
or 300. It seems
though even Twilight
isn't immune from the “All Fantasy Movies Targeted For Young Adults
Must Now End With Mass Violence” syndrome that has infested
Hollywood lately. This
bizarre phenomenon will be covered in depth later on as I have
another themed review series in the works.
asks if they can prove Renesmee will remain hidden from the human
world if the Volturi will leave them alone. Caius replies yes, but
it's impossible to prove that. Alice is all “Don't go there
boyfriend!” and snaps her fingers, causing two more vampires to
appear out of nowhere. One
reveals he's half human/half vampire just like Renesmee and has been
alive 150 years with no incidents. Caius, determined to win this
pissing match, now points out the Cullens have been consorting with
werewolves but even Aro's like “Just let it go dude!” and they
all leave. That's your climax everyone, a movie that was all about
people standing around and talking ends with people standing around
and talking.
and Edward wind up in their meadow as we learn Super Awesome Bella
has also gained Renesmee's power to give Edward a montage of the
past- seven? I think it's been seven movies? It sure FELT like seven-
movies plays set to Christina Perri's “A Thousand Years”,
which I now realize is the most appropriate song title of ALL TIME.
She tells Edward “Nobody's ever loved anybody as much as I love
you”. They start kissing and the scene transitions to the last page
of the Breaking Dawn
book. Sadly the camera
doesn't pan out to Bastian reading the page, looking up at the camera
and saying “That fucking SUCKED!”.
It is so
perfect the Twilight Saga ended with THE single oldest copout in the
history of all fiction: it was all a dream. The first four movies
were all terrible but this one makes them look... well, still
terrible in comparison but NOT AS TERRIBLE. The
first three movies are reprehensible for their story content and
disturbing implications, but at least you can criticize them for an
ATTEMPT at a story. The Breaking Dawn movies are 100% DEVOID
of a story, they are just totally straightforward scenes with nothing
happening, no characterization, no subtext, nothing.
and Edward get married and go on their honeymoon
-Bella get pregnant, gives birth, and becomes a vampire-The Volturi come to kill everyone but then don't. The End!
Now I'm
aware you can boil down ANY movie like that, for example here's The
Dark Knight given the same treatment:
Joker terrorizes Gotham
-Batman stops him. The End!
in The Dark Knight
they actually played with the novel concept of letting us GET TO KNOW
THE CHARACTERS. We saw them having to deal with the various
situations they were placed in, the morality of it all, and what
they'd have to do to resolve them. When
Bella gets pregnant, does she her discuss it with Edward? Does she
express any kind of concern or fear for her unborn child? Does Edward
show a hint of remorse than he wants to abort his child to save the
life of his wife? No, it's all just... nothing. Everything in this
film is nothing. Show the scene, don't bother to make it real with
any kind of reaction to it.
This is
a series that inspired so much hate and mockery, something I've
discussed in the past that usually happens when a film gets too big
and popular. The difference here versus so many other movies, it
EARNED it. It deserves it. Each five of these movies are among some
of the worst I've ever seen, and I commend them for each earning my
scorn in their unique way.
was a horribly unconvincing love story. New Moon was the tale
of a sociopath manipulating a man for her amusement. Eclipse
was flat out fucked up with its positive endorsement of abusive
relationships and sexual assault. Breaking Dawn Part 1 was
slit-my-wrists boring and Breaking Dawn Part 2 was
tear-off-my-own-head boring. Add
liberal dashes of shitty, SHITTY acting, special effects that would
have been embarrassing in the 1960s, sets that looked like a low
budget soap opera, and these movies sink even lower. I am not
criticizing Melissa Rosenberg, who wrote all five movies, for the
story and dialogue because she stayed fiercely true to the books for
the most part. It's very strange when you contend for “Most Loyal
Book Adaption EVER” and that's quite possibly the worst thing about
your movie.
I brought up during my review of Stephenie
Meyer's The Host, she has A FEW issues when it comes to
relationships. She loves her bland yet somehow perfect heroines that
hottie hot hottie men trip over themselves to fawn on, and fuck
EVERYTHING ELSE like story or characterization or even common sense.
Especially common sense. I
picture someone who grew up on classic romance stories, but just like
Joseph Gordon-Levitt's character in 500 Days Of Summer kind of
missed the point of a lot of them and took the wrong lessons to
heart. Or maybe she's just a hack writer that loves money and knows
her legions of rabid up fans will buy anything with Edward Cullen in
it. That's all just speculation on my part of course, but when I see
Edward dominating Bella's life or Jacob forcing himself on Bella and
then laughing about it I really, REALLY start wondering.
That is
Twilight in a nutshell, really. Scene after scene of totally
fucked up behaviour and actions mixed in with mind numbing boredom
for TEN HOURS. You know what though? I ABSOLUTELY recommend watching
them all if you've never seen them before. Don't watch them back to
back like I did lest you risk your sanity, space them out over the
span of a few weeks at least. These
are fascinating movies, a product of their time and culture more than
anything. I was constantly amazed to see the movies consistently hit
new lows as I realized they were among the most popular things of ALL
TIME. Over five billion dollars in book, movie, and merchandise
sales. Just think about that. The future leaders of the world grew up
with this prominently in their lives... I can't even imagine what
ramifications this will hold down the road.
One quick positive: Michael Sheen as Aro OWNED the movies he was in. It is literally worth enduring the hell of Eclipse and Breaking Dawn Part 2 just to see him have some of the most PURE FUN ever captured on film outside of Al Pacino in Scarface. Scenery chewing is often looked down upon as a negative thing, Mr. Sheen just made it into an all new art form. A blissful, blissful art form.
One quick positive: Michael Sheen as Aro OWNED the movies he was in. It is literally worth enduring the hell of Eclipse and Breaking Dawn Part 2 just to see him have some of the most PURE FUN ever captured on film outside of Al Pacino in Scarface. Scenery chewing is often looked down upon as a negative thing, Mr. Sheen just made it into an all new art form. A blissful, blissful art form.
believe that's everything I have to say about the Twilight phenomenon
that bafflingly took over the world for a few years. Sadly
this wasn't as enjoyable as when I looked at The
Prophecy films but my A Ghoul Versus Film Franchises
can't all be winners I suppose. I'm sure the next film series I'm
going to review will be a good one thou- OH GOOD GOD. MOTHERFUCKER.
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