Has there even
been a movie that you've heard is horrible yet your mind just REFUSES
to believe it? You're like “NO WAY! ___________ is involved in it,
it's impossible it could suck!” and then you go see it... and
discover everyone was totally right. Hopefully that
isn't today's review of Disney's The
Lone Ranger,
because on paper it's doing a lot of right thing. This movie is from
the director and writers one of our my favourite films of all time,
Pirates of the Caribbean: The
Curse of the Black Pearl.
its... less than stellar sequels. Ahem, moving on.
They also cast “I wish there was a bigger and better word than awesome to describe him” Johnny Depp, who also starred in the Curse of the Black Pearl. And while this is a dreaded remake/reboot/re-imagining, it's at least of a franchise that has been dormant for decades and looks to be a fresh take on a genre we don't see that often for something new. The icing on the cake is when I was very young I freaking LOVED the Lone Ranger, I thought he was just the coolest thing in the world.
On the other hand,
this movie got terrible reviews and flopped HARD. Just like World
War Z the film suffered from some
major production and overspending problems that led to it getting
delayed multiple times. By the time it finally came out on July 3,
2013 it had set Disney back an estimated $225 million dollars with an
additional $150 million spent on advertising. It couldn't even clear
first place on the All-Important Opening Week, coming in second to
the box office beast that was Despicable
Me 2.
There is also the
fact that big budget westerns DON'T work any more in terms of
bringing in the dollars, as evidenced by Wild, Wild West, Cowboys
And Aliens, and more recently A Million Ways To Die In The
West. But I'm still
going into this one very optimistic because the odds of me watching
critically reviled movies are BOUND to turn around in my favour one
of these times! Melt down some highly valuable silver to waste on
bullets, saddle up the horse, and get ready for A Ghoul Versus The
Lone Ranger!
The film opens
in... 1933 at a San Francisco carnival?! Okay, didn't expect that. A
young boy dressed as the Lone Ranger is looking at the exhibits of
the wild west, going from buffalo to bear to one of a Native American
labeled “The Noble Savage”. Charming
America, really charming. However the statue
of the Native American isn't a statue, it's actually a very old Tonto
who seems to think the boy is the Lone Ranger. The boy corrects him
and takes off his mask, but Tonto warns him to never do that. The boy
asks why not, and we flash back to Tonto and the Lone Ranger in their
Oh, so this is
going to be an “older character tells us a story” kind of movie
eh? Alright, I'll play. They are on horseback outside a town, the
Ranger asking Tonto if he's sure about the mask. Tonto assures him
it'll “strike fear into the hearts of his enemies”. They ride
into town to... rob a bank? What the hell is going on here? Everyone
in the bank just stares at them, one man asking what's with the mask.
The Ranger is definitely goofy, as I'm guessing this must be early in his career before he became a badass. We pause mid-robbery to cut back to the present, the boy (rightfully so) saying the Lone Ranger and Tonto were good guys and wouldn't rob a bank. Tonto replies there comes a time when a good man must wear a mask, as we flashback even further to Colby, Texas in 1869. I'm probably going to be really annoyed if the movie does this a lot. I'm not saying multiple flashbacks don't have their place in a movie, but it requires a lot of skill to make it work and somehow I'm thinking this movie won't have that.
In Colby, we watch
as workers build a railroad. The head of the railroad company, Mr.
Latham Cole, is holding a press conference nearby as we get a quick
glimpse of Helena Bonham Carter, which if you know anything about the
United States Constitution one of the amendments says she has to
appear in the vast majority of Johnny Depp films or we have to pay
her like a bajillion dollars in restitution.
Citizens of the
Comanche tribe are present as well, Cole assuring him the railroad
won't disrupt their lives as long as peace remains between them and
that all treaties will be honoured. He also announces he's bringing
famous outlaw and “Indian-killer” Butch Cavendish into town to
hang for his crimes. We cut to the
train bringing Cavendish to Colby, which also happens to contain the
two heroes of our little story. They're in different roles though, as
the Ranger (better known as District Attorney John Reid) is riding in
a passenger car while Tonto is chained in a prison car next to
The outlaw's gang
comes to spring their leader, John noticing them and following them
to the back of the train where the prison car is. Cavendish is able
to escape his bonds thanks in part to a pistol suspiciously hidden
nearby, about to shoot Tonto when John bursts in and stops him. But
things quickly take a turn for the worse as Cavendish's gang arrives,
freeing their leader and shackling up the lawyer. Instead of shooting
him because, um... Cavendish needs a protagonist to play off against?
The outlaws kill
the conductor before they leave, chaining the train's accelerator
controls all the way down so it'll crash and kill all the passengers.
John and Tonto manage to escape and unhook the passenger cars from
the engine to save everyone with the help of John's brother Dan, a
Texas Ranger in town to see Cavendish make it to the gallows.
Tonto tries to
leave after this but John arrests him and throws him in jail. Dan's
wife Rebecca bursts in to make sure her husband was okay, finding
only John instead. We learn they dated when they were younger and are
still obviously in love with each other. It's kind of hinted at John
left for college for Rebecca ended up with Dan instead, but I REALLY
had to dig to get that. Cole wants the outlaw brought back into
custody immediately, as he's promised the public a hanging. However
the condescending manner in which he speaks to Dan kinda makes me
wonder if he's not going to end up being a bad guy.
is a railroad tycoon in a western after all...
Dan and the Rangers take off in pursuit of Cavendish, Dan deputizing John to accompany them. They ride into a canyon where they see a white horse off in the distance, Dan telling John the Comanche believe they're “spirit horses come to take people to the other side”. I'm sure that was him just making small talk and that will in no way come up again. Dan tries to give his young brother a gun, but John refuses as he doesn't believe in guns. He deputized a man who has no interest in guns or likely any kind of Ranger training because... uh, origin story? So far John is a very naïve and idealistic young man, calling the writings of John Locke “his Bible” at one point. Does this mean we'll soon see him roaming around a mysterious island and killing strangers with a knife? Ha hah, just kidding! I know John Locke was the guy who signed the Declaration of Independence in real big letters!
They ride further
into the canyon, which looks like it'd be the most obvious place in
the world for an ambush but amazingly it isn't- oh no wait, it
totally is. They get ambushed, trying to ride away as the Rangers are
picked off one by one. John's horse is hit, Dan going back to save
his brother but instead is turned into a recreation of Sean Bean in
Lord of the Rings with
bullets instead of arrows.
John is the last
to fall, shot while trying to carry Dan to safety. Cavendish rides
up, Dan taunting the outlaw with what I'm pretty sure is the first
prison rape joke to make its way into a Disney movie. There MIGHT
have been one in Bambi, but I can't quite recall. Cavendish responds
MOVIE. They don't show it
directly, instead showing the horrified and sicken faces of
Cavendish's men while playing some downright disturbing sound
effects. John, bleeding out, witnesses this before he falls
unconscious. We also learn Collins, one of Dan's old friends and part
of the posse, betrayed him to the FREAKING CANNIBAL IN A DISNEY
Tonto shows up,
having escaped from jail somehow, and buries all the Rangers but not
before helping himself to some of their possessions while wacky music
plays. This is right after showing a montage of all the dead Rangers
and playing mournful music, because that makes it FUNNIER, right? He
discovers John is not quite dead however, knocking him out with a
rock and preparing to bury him alive. Wow, are they going to put a
spin on this by making TONTO the bad guy? Because that'd be AWESOME!
Before the
Comanche can finish killing John, the white spirit horse (let's just
call him Silver because duh!) appears by his grave which seems to
indicate to Tonto that John has been “chosen”. Tonto tries to
argue that Dan should be the chosen one, but Silver is all “Fuck
that, I don't see James Badge Dale's name on the poster!” and picks
John again. Tonto relents,
taking John away to perform some kind of bizarre ritual on him. He
awakens later, learning from Tonto that he is now a Spirit Walker: a
man who has been to the other side and returned, as well as being
unable to die in battle. He tells John he
believes Cavendish to be a “windigo”, an evil spirit with a
hunger that cannot be satisfied as well as the ability to throw
nature out of balance. Tonto illustrates this by throwing some meat
at a group of nearby rabbits, who spout vicious fans and devour it
and oh wow my zombie brain is already starting to hurt.
In my reviews for
of Steel and Robocop
(2014) I talked about how both
those movies had TOO MUCH STUFF going on. That's how all these summer
blockbusters are nowadays, they pack in as many subplots as humanly
possible because it's supposed to make movies look MOAR EPIC but
usually just invokes the grandfather of this bullshit, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.
Tonto, the last of
the windigo hunters, had a vision a Spirit Walker will aid him in
vanquishing the windigo once and for all. John is all “whatever, I
just want revenge” as he's very pro-violence now. Tonto gives him a
silver bullet, saying “it's what made the windigo and will return
him to the Earth”. John, not believing any of this, goes to leave
when Tonto reveals he got ARRESTED ON PURPOSE so he'd get imprisoned
with Cavendish and be able to kill him. Ah,
the good ol' captured on purpose ploy. Not getting tired of that one
yet Hollywood!
He also reveals
that there was a gun hidden on the train and he only dug seven
graves, yet there were eight men in the posse hunting Cavendish. John
realizes Collins sold them out, and is now on board with helping
Tonto. Tonto gives him an outfit made from his brother's jacket,
which includes the infamous mask that'll allow him to hide his
identity from the world so Cavendish and his gang will think he's
dead. 54 minutes in and we FINALLY have our title character and YE
GODS there's still like ninety minutes left.
They head into
town to visit a brothel that Collins mentioned he liked to attend,
where they meet with Madame Red, Helena Bonham Carter's character.
Upon seeing John she asks “What's with the mask?” and I think we
have our running gag here! Red starts talking
about her clients, an offhand mark about “railroaders”
immediately making John think she's talking about Cole. Damn, this
guy is genre savvy! I thought jumping to conclusions based off
character stereotype was MY job! But no, Cole isn't one of her
clients as we learn he's been CASTRATED.
And just to
distract us from the fact they just introduced a Disney character
that's been CASTRATED, Red reveals one of her legs is fake and is
actually a GIANT SHOTGUN and I think someone spiked the pig's blood
I'm drinking with LSD. John asks about
Collins but she's stiff lipped until Tonto name drops Cavendish, then
she's more than happy to help. I really hope they don't reveal he ate
her leg because that'd just be horribly messed up. She says Collins
and Dan were in her brothel about a week ago, arguing about something
they found out in the desert. Red shows them a giant silver nugget
they paid her with, John going to touch it but Tonto yells at him
it's cursed. But naturally John touches it anyway, getting a bizarre
vision of Rebecca and her son Danny being attacked by the Comanche.
A posse shows up
to take Tonto, as we learn the Comanche have violated the treaty by
attacking settlements all over the area. Red advises the two to
escape out the back, as we do indeed learn Cavendish ate her leg.
You stay
classy Disney! They ride off to
Rebecca's, as John is worried his vision was accurate and Rebecca
will be next to get attacked. By the time they get there she is long
gone and her home is burned to the ground. Tonto tells him it wasn't
Comanche that did this, John going to argue when they hear a scream
from the barn.
In the barn we
find one of Cavendish's men dressed like a woman and torturing
Rebecca's maid... who is Hispanic... by... holding up dresses to her?
He dives out a window to escape them as we see the Comanche are
really just Cavendish's men in disguise. John attempts to get them to
surrender, but they just shoot at him. One of the men quips “What's
with the mask?”
The two end up
trapped in a burning barn, but escape with the help of Silver who
magically teleports to the roof of the barn. That's just... weird.
John asks if the horse can fly, but Tonto tells him to be stupid. NO
REALLY, can the horse fly?! Silver also magically appeared when the
two were trying to escape Red's, so I'm thinking this is going to
happen a lot whenever the writers feel like being lazy. Which
judging by what we've seen so far, I'm going to guess the entire
movie. They should have should called Silver “Deus Ex Equine-a”.
John, who hasn't
fired a gun in nine years, attempts to fire a warning shot at the
gang but his bullet ricochets off numerous things (including the crow
on Tonto's head) until it severs a rope holding a giant wood beam up
that CRUSHES THE HEADS of two of the gang members. Cross-dresser gets
away but John and Tonto take off after him.
The next day we
journey to Cavendish's camp where he's holding Rebecca and Danny
prisoner. Cross-dresser shows up, telling Cavendish the ghost of Dan
Reid is now after him. The cannibal orders Collins to kill Rebecca
and Danny... so why'd he bother taking them prisoner then if he was
just going to kill them? He never asked her for any information and
thankfully never did anything disturbing to her, so this entire scene
is totally pointless. Collins takes them
behind some rocks, but does the “fire shots into the ground to
pretend I killed them” thing and tells them to run. They don't get
very far until they're stopped by a mystery man on a horse, who kills
Collins for letting them go. Gosh, the silhouette of the mystery man
sure looks familiar... almost railroad tycoon-like in nature.
We catch up to
John and Tonto, who are lost in the desert. As they bicker like an
old married couple I'm forced to analyze what I think of our heroes
so far because there's nothing else going on here to keep me
interested. Their dynamic reminds me a LOT of Will Turner and Jack
Sparrow from Pirates, John is a goofy idiot who is in love with a
woman forbidden to him while Tonto is the goofy idiot who actually is
really wise and can only speak in funny one liners.
The big difference
though is they have this all wrong. In the Curse of the Black
Pearl, Will Turner spent the movie learning to be a hero and
stand up for what is right. Now John is doing the same thing, however
he BEGINS as a noble and honest man who believes in law and order.
But he soon learns that's all bullshit: the ONLY way to live a proper
life is the be an outlaw vigilante that isn't bound by any of those
silly ideals he spent his entire life dedicated to and deal whoever
gets in his way without a trial. There's even this bizarre
anti-intellectualism tone early in the movie where he gets mocked for
being smart and reading books.
But I guess they
realize this movie already feels like it's three hours long so Tonto
finds some railroad tracks buried under the desert. We cut back to
the present for NO REASON whatsoever, so the film quickly returns to
the past just in time for John to get shot with an arrow. I guess that was
boring too, so we instead go to the Comanche border where the
railroad workers are building on as Cole has declared all their
treaties null and void. There's also a brief scene where one of
Cole's men brings him crates of explosives, Cole telling him to hide
them somewhere else. The United States Calvary arrives (which was
also hinted at in John's vision), called in by Cole to deal with his
“Indian problem”. This is another part where the tone of the
movie is all over the place, it's trying to pretend it has this HUGE
MYSTERY going on when it's so blatantly obvious as to what is that
every scene is just wasting our time.
Cole is the bad
guy behind everything, hiring Cavendish and his men to pretend to be
Comanches and kill everyone so that the treaties will be declared
null and void. This will allow Cole to keep building his railroad for
more money and power, because that's what bad guys did in the 1800s.
I probably have a few details wrong, but I'd bet good money I have
the overall plot down to a tee. Probably
because we've seen this plot 80 billion times already.
Click here for Part 2!
Remember that joke in a Simpsons Treehouse of Horror episode where Nelson says he's disguised as the Lone Ranger but an evil witch turns him into a raccoon instead because of his cheap disguise?
ReplyDeleteApparently, after this film's release, he's glad to be turned into a raccoon instead. XD
I've heard so many bad things about the Lone Ranger film... I'll quote another famous reviewer: "Why don't we go watch blockbuster summer films? It's not because we don't care, it's because the movies suck!" Might have to look for the original quote.
I shockingly don't! And I thought I knew every Simpsons episode like the back of my hand!