Oh, Emma's not done
just yet though. It turns out Lena's Claiming is going to happen on
the most powerful solstice in 5000 years, which will make her more
powerful than anyone and finally lead the Casters out of hiding, free
from the oppression of the Muggles. Voldemort longs for a day when
Casters can be their true selves without having to- wait, which movie
is this? Oh, Beautiful Creatures? Okay, I was WONDERING when
Voldemort got his nose to grow back.
Thelma or Louise
arrives at the school, getting out of her car to reveal quite
possibly the most ridiculous dress ever seen outside of a cosplay
convention. Where do you even BUY a dress like that? She walks up to
Ethan and kisses him on the mouth, introducing herself as Lena's
cousin Ridley. She is played by Emmy Rossum, an actress I'm not
familiar with but I hear KILLS IT on the Showtime television show
takes Ethan back to Ravenwood Manor to meet the rest of the family
for a gathering they're having, as we see her kiss has bewitched
Ethan so he can only do what she says. Macon is quite displeased to
see Ridley but invites her to dinner nonetheless. The rest of the
family starts showing up and they're all bizarre and/or goofy. The
tone the movie has been working real hard to build is going right out
the window in this scene, as it's just violently silly and out of
place with everything they've done so far.