Mulder goes to meet with Kurtzweil,
catching him up on the bees and the corn. We learn Kurtzweil had no
idea about any of this, and Mulder oddly gets mad at him for “using
him” to get information. Um, didn't Kurtzweil help you out a ton
Mulder? Mulder's reaction here just makes no sense. Speaking of no
sense, how did Kurtzweil know all the stuff he did? He's not a member
of the Syndicate but is involved with them enough to know some very
specific stuff (i.e. the bodies already being dead) that the average
person couldn't have. A little back story here would have been nice.
Later, Scully goes to Mulder's
apartment where he tells him she's being transferred to Utah so she's
decided to resign. Mulder gives a very heartfelt confession to her
about how much he needs her in his life, which would so make my eyes
watery if my tear ducts hadn't rotten away during my untimely death.
They hug. Scully kisses Mulder's forehead, and he takes her face in
his hands. The moment millions of fans have been rabidly awaiting
nears. They draw closer, their lips millimeters away from touching...
when suddenly that MOTHERFUCKING BEE crawls out from Scully's collar
and stings her. OH MY GOD, I can't believe this didn't cause riots in
theaters. This is the most cruel and insidious fake-out perpetuated
on loyal fans since the Phantom Menace.
Scully almost immediately starts having
an extreme reaction to the sting, collapsing and unable to move.
Mulder calls 911, and the paramedics arrive to load her into the
ambulance. Mulder goes to the driver to ask her what hospital they're
taking her too, when suddenly he recognizes him as the man he passed
on his way to the vending machine room in Dallas. Okay, he WAS evil.
The man pulls out a gun and shoots
Mulder through the driver side window. Damn! Because the glass
partially alters the path of the bullet, Mulder doesn't get his
brains blown out. The ambulance takes off, leaving him bleeding on
the ground as he real ambulance arrives. DAMN, Mulder is a lucky
GREAT scene but I do have some
1. How come Scully didn't die
immediately from the bee sting? On the show it's been established
getting stung by the bees is insta-death, because they're genetically
altered with a lethal sting.
2. Ok, I get the Syndicate has Mulder's
line tapped so when they heard he called 911 they took this as their
chance to grab Scully. How were they able to get an ambulance so
fast? Did they just happen to have one ready next door “just in
3. Or was this whole thing part of
their plan? When Kurtzweil told Mulder men like the Syndicate don't
make mistakes in regards to him escaping the helicopters, the
direction made sure weight was added to that line. SO are we meant to
think the Syndicate planned ALL of this? That the Syndicate knew
Mulder and Scully would find the bee domes, a bee would stowaway in
Scully's jacket all the way from Texas, and not sting her until she
was in Washington?
CSM watches Scully, asleep in one of
those cryo chambers that we saw earlier, get loaded onto a plane.
Mulder awakes later in the hospital, with his friends the Lone Gunmen
(conspiracy theory experts that help him crack cases) standing over
him. They are pure awesomesauce. Skinner, Mulder's supervisor at
the FBI, arrives just as Mulder is trying to leave. Skinner tells him
the Syndicate will know the second Mulder tries to leave, as we see a
not-at-all suspicious man outside his room. Mulder switches places
with one of the Gunmen, the spy not noticing when they leave as they
look similar from behind. We cut to Mulder running to meet
Kurtzweil, taking off the Gunman's jacket and throwing it away.
Jerkstore, that probably cost a lot of money!
Kurtzweil nervously walks around an
alley waiting for Mulder. He opens a door to find WMM waiting for
him. Uh oh redux. Mulder arrives a bit later to see WMM ominously
closing the trunk of his limo, Kurtzweil nowhere to be seen. Mulder
wants to know where Scully is, WMM offering him her location and a
way to save her as long as he gets in the car with him. He also has
candy and comic books.
And wow do we get the infodump to end
all infodumps. I'm just going to bullet point this bad boy:
1. This vaccine is so weak it must be
administered to Scully in 96 hours or she'll be lost.
2. The aliens were the original
inhabitants of this planet millions of years ago. Those that didn't
leave have been living underground in the form of an evolved virus
waiting to be reconstituted by the aliens.
3. The Syndicate originally thought the
aliens would use this virus to turn us into a slave race as they
colonized the planet.
4. The Syndicate has been working with
the aliens, creating the bees that'll ultimately spread the virus, so
they could have access to the virus to hopefully discover a cure.
5. Bill Mulder did NOT agree with
cooperation, he wanted to fight. However, he did allow the Syndicate
to take his daughter so they could create a human-alien clone of her
because they're the only people capable of surviving the upcoming
viral holocaust because they're immune.
6. Bill wanted Mulder to uncover the
truth about the Syndicate and stop them, that he would FIGHT THE
FUTURE. Whoo hoo! Houston, we have title drop. Repeat, we have
title drop!
So... yeah.
1. Why did the aliens leave Earth in
the first place? Why are they coming back?
2. How did the Syndicate and the
aliens end up working together? How do they communicate? How did they
cook up this plan? Why would the aliens need their help to spread
their virus through such a complex plan when we've seen one infected
person can easily infect others by touch? We've seen in countless
zombie movies all it takes is one zombie to cause an outbreak that
gets millions in a very short time span.
3. Mulder's sister, Samantha... oof.
I was an OBSESSED X-Files fan. In the mid 90s when everyone
was using this newfangled Internet thing to look up porn, I was using
it to scour every single X-Files fan site in existence. I
researched everything, read all the fan theories, you name it I was
up on it. BUT Samantha was the one thing in the crazy show I could
never wrap my head around. I'm pretty sure the writers felt the
same, as every time we saw her she was a completely different
character with a different back story. I guess they were all clones,
but damn if the show ever made a lick of sense in this aspect.
Here, we learn her father didn't agree
with the Syndicate's cooperation with the aliens but still gave them
his daughter to clone? To say nothing that it wouldn't be his
daughter, just a clone of her which could just look like her and
nothing else. And that he wanted his son to battle the Syndicate?
Consistency much there Bill? I could literally fill an entire page
about this, so I'm just going to stop here. Where were we? Trying to
sort through the WMM's revelations derailed my brain. Oh right, I
remember now.
WMM tells Mulder he was ordered to kill
him and pulls out a pistol, but shoots his limo driver instead.
Mulder and WMM exit the car, WMM warning him to trust no one. He then
gets back in the limo which promptly blows up. Okay? I guess the
Syndicate had the limo tapped so they knew he told Mulder everything
and killed him in retaliation with a remote control bomb, which makes
one wonder why they didn't do it the second he started running his
We cut to 48 hours later, as Mulder
drives an arctic version of an ATV towards coordinates WMM gave him
to find Scully. He find a small base set up there, seeing CSM among
the people milling around. Mulder parks his vehicle and starts making
his way towards the base. On his way, he falls through the ground
and finds himself in an underground cavern. He follows it down a
tunnel, and finds himself in a giant metallic complex. Damn, that was
lucky Mulder just happened to end up where he needed to go! There are
pods everywhere, each one containing a human with an alien visible in
their body and a strange organic-looking tube in their mouth. Mulder
soon finds the cryo chamber Scully was transported in, as we see her
clothes and her cross inside.
Which brings us back to that scene from
way earlier where CSM sees the alien in the firefighter's body. It
was made very clear this was the first time it'd ever happened and
CSM was surprised by it. Also referenced in the Syndicate scene
where they tell WMM the virus is causing aliens to grow in people.
This scene contradicts those JUST A BIT.
This place is FULL of humans infected
with gestating aliens, their pods iced over so they're been here
awhile. On top of that, one of the cavemen from the beginning of the
movie is also frozen in here so some have been here thousands of
years. This establishes aliens forming in humans is NOT a new idea,
certainly not one to CSM as this is where he brought Scully! Did he
just forget the huge frozen alien breeding ground and bed &
breakfast that the Syndicate has a base on top of? Does nonstop chain
smoking cause amnesia now? This is a ROUGH script.
Mulder despairs, having absolutely no
idea how he's going to find Scully in this endless complex before
it's too late. Oh wait, he finds her pod a few steps away. DAYMN,
Mulder is... yeah I think you get it by now. He smashes open the pod,
injecting her with the vaccine. She starts moving as the tube in her
mouth begins to shrivel away. Above in the base, alarms start going
off as the station starts shaking. A tech tells CSM there's a
contaminant in the system.
In one of the most uncomfortable scenes
ever, Mulder pulls the tube out of her mouth. And pulls. And pulls.
And pulls. And then pulls some more. This tube must have been fed all
the way to her damn toes. Must have been the alien equivalent of the
“endless scarf” magic trick. Who has mass genocide can't have a
few laughs? Everyone on the base begins the
evacuate. One of the men asks CSM what about Mulder, and CSM replies
“he won't make it”. Yeah, he's only the hero of the movie and
has escaped five years of X-Files related bullshit, his time is BOUND
to be up now!
Mulder and Scully go the same way that
Mulder came in. There's a ticking clock as the whole place starts
melting due to the vaccine, so the aliens are fast hatching from
their hosts. But they make it out before they become alien chow or go
over budget, because this is frantically paced compared to everything
else in the movie. They make it to the surface, running as fast as
they can because the ground is starting to break due to a giant
spaceship rising out of it. Why yes, Prometheus is the first
thing I thought of as well. I seriously doubt Ridley Scott watched
the X-Files, but I'd bet some good money Damon Lindelof sure
as hell did.
The ship rises into the sky and flies
away. It looks like Scully passed out so she missed it, but she
reveals to Mulder she DID see it. WOW! Scully FINALLY saw proof of
extraterrestrials! That's one of the biggest turning points of the
entire saga! Sure is a good thing the TV show would completely
ignore this! The camera pulls away as they hold each other. Days
later, we return to Washington where Scully is going through another
hearing. The director says there is now direct evidence linking an
agent to the Dallas bombing (psst, what evidence?), but everything
else in Scully's report defies belief. She needs more evidence, so
Scully hands her a vial with the EVIL bee in it.
“I don't believe the FBI currently
has an investigative unit qualified to pursue the evidence in hand.”
God, Scully rules! As this goes on, we get the patented Syndicate
Cover-Up Montage consisting of Mr. I'm Not Evil stealing the bone
samples, tankers painted with “Nature's Best Corn Oil”, and the
Dallas cornfield getting burnt down. Scully joins Mulder outside. He's
losing his faith as they're covering up everything and agrees she is
right to quit. Now it's her turn to talk him into staying, concluding
with “If I quit now, they win”. He smiles at her, knowing she is
right. He can't give up.
Cue to Tunisia where we find another
cornfield, this one about the size of a small state. We can see a
good dozen white domes dotting the landscape of it. CSM needs with
Strughold, handing him a telegraph. Strughold reads it and drops it,
walking away. The camera reveals it says the X-Files have been
Cue the credits.
This movie is a perfect example of “be
careful what you wish for”. For years fans wanted answers about all
the conspiracy stuff on the show, and when we got them we were left
even more confused than before. Chris Carter has admitted in
interviews they had nothing on the show planned out in advance, that
they just made stuff up as they went along, a lot of it based off
what looked stylistic rather than what made sense.
If you're a fan, this movie is a mess.
If you're a non-fan, this movie is about as easy to understand as
David Lynch's Inland Empire. It's gorgeously edited so you
don't really have time to think about anything as it flows perfectly
from scene to scene. I watched it three times for this review and
never once did it feel like it was dragging in the slightest.
Massive story issues aside, this is a
great movie that I can recommend to anyone (and not just because I'm
a biased fan). The acting is just spectacular, everyone brought their
A-game for this one. Duchovny and Anderson of course steal the show,
they just KILL every scene they're in. It looks fantastic, for a
movie from 1998 not a single special effect looks that dated. Pure
enjoyment all around, just try not to ask too many questions.
They couldn't let things rest in peace though, they made a sequel. Yay.
They couldn't let things rest in peace though, they made a sequel. Yay.
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