has been a distinct lack of reviews this month and I apologize for
that, but I've been working on a movie that took a lot longer to
analyze than I thought it would. I really wanted to get it done
before its fifteen anniversary, which is only a few days away. In
the meantime, here's a movie I've never heard of starring Liam Neeson
and a bunch of other people I've never heard of, directed by a guy
I've never heard of and written by two guys I've never heard of.
Never has the title of a movie been more appropriate...
into your taxi and let's start a chase scene with A Ghoul
Versus Unknown!
open on a plane landing flying through the clouds, as we're
introduced to married couple Liam Neeson and his wife Blonde Lady.
They land in Berlin, Germany where Neeson is a Langemore University
professor giving a presentation on a biotechnology summit. Upon landing, they
board a taxi. We see the cabbie loading their luggage into the trunk
of his cab but he misses a briefcase that gets left behind. On the
cab ride, the couple makes plans to attend an art exhibit on
They arrive at the
place they're staying, the Hotel Albon. Blonde Lady goes into the
hotel to check in as Neeson helps the bellhops unload his luggage.
Upon realizing the briefcase is missing, he hails a taxi cab and
takes off, not even bothering to tell his wife. Oh, I guess he
tries to call her from the cab but his phone has no service because
this is a movie and cellphones only work when they feel like it,
dammit! On the way back to
the airport, a car accident up ahead causes their taxi to go flying
off a bridge into the river. The super competent cabbie, played by
Diane Kruger, is able to save herself and Neeson from drowning. As
the paramedics work on him, he has flashbacks of having sex with his
wife as well as a brief flash of seeing a dark haired woman. Damn,
player much there Neeson?
He wakes up in a
hospital, learning he's been in a coma for four days. He asks where
his wife is, but the doctor has no idea as Neeson had no ID on him so
they've been unable to contact anyone on his behalf. Neeson remembers
his name is Dr. Martin Harris, but that's about it. The doctor
informs him he sustained massive head trauma in the accident, which
is impairing his memory. Ah, convenience amnesia. Sweet, sweet
convenience amnesia: driving the plot for movies for over fifty years
and counting!
Later he looks at
the possessions he had on him, a watch his wife gave him on their
honeymoon and a small book about plants or something, I'm not really
sure. On the back page he finds a series of numbers written down that
make no sense to him, which,
based off the history of mysterious numbers in fiction, will likely
end up having a REALLY stupid explanation. Yes, insert a picture of
the numbers from LOST
He happens to
notice a report on the news about the biotechnology summit, which
jogs his memory a bit. He leaves the hospital, naturally against the
doctor's advice. Hospitals must be pretty damn nice in Germany, if
you have no ID and borderline amnesia they'll just let you check
yourself out! Neeson arrives at
the hotel, seeing his wife enter a ballroom and attempting to follow
her but is stopped by security. He asks the head of security, Herr
Strauss, to escort him to his wife and she'll sort everything out.
His wife, named
Liz, does not recognize him at all to his shock. Things get even
worse as she introduces her husband Dr. Martin Harris, who is
obviously NOT Liam Neeson. Neeson starts causing a scene as he tries
to figure out what the hell is going on, but I'll be honest here I
couldn't focus on any of this. Liz's face... it- it doesn't move at
all! Liz is played
by an actress named January Jones, whom I've never heard of before. I
looked up her and she's a star on the TV series Mad Men, which
I've never seen so I don't know anything about her, but... is there
something wrong with her face? Like did she OD on botox injections?
Her face is like a mask carved out of plastic, and every line she
says is so tight-lipped it sounds like it was badly dubbed in
Neeson starts
putting his hands on the Fake Harris, so security drags him out
before this escalates. They take him to a secure room, where Neeson
has them call his fellow professor Dr. Cole but they only get his
voice mail. He wants them to call Professor Bressler next, whom he
has only talked to on the phone but is sure he can help sort this
out. Before this happens, one of the guards does an internet search
on Neeson and finds his Langemore university page. On the page the
picture is of the Fake Harris instead of Neeson's handsome mug. Neeson tells
Strauss about his accident and that he is confused, saying he needs
to go back to the hospital. And they let him go, just like that! They
even let him go without an escort. Damn, Germany sure is an
understanding place! I want to move there, maybe they'd be okay with
my occasional brain-eating dalliances.
They hail a cab
for Neeson, but of course he has the cabbie stop and he gets out once
he's out of sight of the hotel. He tries calling Cole again, this
time leaving a somewhat rambling messaging on his voice mail. It's at
this point Neeson notices a black SUV that is possibly tailing him,
which the score helpfully points out to us by playing an ominous
tone. Neeson ducks into the subway system, where he's followed
by a gun wielding guy with a really bad haircut. In a just world,
this man would be hunting down his barber and not Neeson.
Neeson gets on a
subway train to escape so we can get the “locking eyes with my
pursuer as the train takes off” shot that you KNEW was coming the
second a subway came into play. I must admit I don't like the
filmmakers showing their cards this early into things, the SUV was
fine because you didn't really know if it was following him or if he
was just being paranoid. But immediately having a guy blatantly
following Neeson let's us know that Neeson really isn't crazy and
he's gotten himself into a wacky conspiracy mess. Dramatic tension,
what's that?
Exiting the train,
Neeson notices a taxi cab from the same company of the one he was
riding in when it crashed. He goes to their headquarters to try to
track down his driver, learning her name was Gina and she was an
illegal immigrant who has now vanished. However one of the cabbies
there, a friend of hers name Biko, tells Neeson where to find her. She's working as a
waitress at a diner, but won't talk to him because she sure as shit
doesn't want to get dragged into another generic conspiracy-filled
thriller. National Treasure was QUITE enough for her, thank you very
Neeson tries to
meet with Bressler next, whom he finds talking to Fake Harris in his
lab. Neeson tries to convince the professor that he's the real
Harris, recounting the conversations they had on the phone. Fake
Harris joins in, and we get a funny scene where they're talking in
perfect sync as they recite a conversation word for word. Bressler
looks at them both and goes “wow”.
The police arrive,
Neeson imploring them to arrest Fake Harris. Fake Harris pulls out
his wallet to show them his ID, Neeson seeing a picture of Fake
Harris and Liz together in it. The shock of this causes Neeson to
pass out, awaking back in the hospital. The nurse there,
Gretchen, gives him the information of a friend of hers named Jurgen
who “finds people”. The doctor arrives, apologizing for ever
letting Neeson leave the hospital. Neeson muses that he's going
insane in a very well written and acted scene, however it's all
ruined because the film has already clearly told us he's NOT crazy.
The doctor has
Neeson take an MRI, Neeson having another sex flashback of Liz as his
brain is scanned. There's also a longer shot of the dark haired
woman, who is revealed to be Liz. Neeson awakens from his daze to see
Bad Haircut in the room, who takes him out of the machine and ties
him to a bed by one arm where he then injects a cloudy liquid into
Neeson's IV bag. Gretchen enters and demands to know what the hell
he's doing, but gets her neck broken for her trouble. Harsh, has
a nurse EVER made it out of a thriller alive?
Haircut leaves the
room so Neeson can have time to grab a pair of scissors out of
Gretchen's lab coat. And with that, the first wheel has officially
come off the Plot Contrivance Car. Where the hell did he go? What was
he doing? Did he have to use the bathroom real quick? Haircut returns
and then leaves again, although this time he's dragging Gretchen's
body away so at least it makes sense this time. This allows Neeson
to cut himself free with the scissors and escape the hospital. Wow, Haircut is a
TERRIBLE assassin that obviously used to work for a James Bond
villain. Why didn't he just break Neeson's neck like he did with
Gretchen? Why go through such a crazy and elaborate method of death
when he had a half-drugged Neeson securely tied up to a bed?
He tries calling Liz but Fake Harris answers. Neeson says nothing and hangs up. We can see Liz sitting on the bed, looking unhappily at her new husband. Or maybe she's looking at him elated. Or she could be suffering from a migraine, I really can't tell with her mannequin face. Neeson meets with Jurgen, telling him Gretchen is dead. We learn Jurgen is ex-East German Secret Police, which is probably up there with Terminators and xenomorphs on the Scale of Badassery. He mentions Gretchen was kind to him when he was at the hospital, which is the second wheel that's now come out our Plot Contrivance Car.
Jurgen agrees to
help Neeson, as he believes his story. He looks through Neeson's
book, finding the numbers. Neeson tells him they're in his wife's
handwriting and not his. Jurgen will make some calls to see what
information he can gather, having Neeson go get Gina so he can
question her. Neeson does so,
giving her his expensive watch so she'll help him. He also tells her
he needs a place to crash and she reluctantly lets him stay with her,
as it dawns on her there's no avoiding being in this movie any
They walk back to
her apartment, Neeson catching her up on the plot while she does the
same. He can't understand why he'd go back to the airport right after
leaving it. They also have immediate chemistry, so I wonder how soon
the movie will reveal Liz is pure evil so Neeson can hook up with
Gina. Jurgen researches
the summit, finding the two keynote speakers are Bressler and a
Middle Eastern Prince named Shada, who is sponsoring the summit. He
learns Shada has been the target of several failed assassination
Biko stops by
Gina's to give him the keys to his cab, as she's still secretly
working at the company. We learn she's saving up money to buy a
passport to get the hell out of Germany, which I can't understand
because this movie has made it seem like the greatest place in the
world! Neeson takes a
shower while Haircut and his buddy Jones break into the apartment.
Haircut wraps his arms around Gina's neck but doesn't snap her neck,
instead he just chokes her out. What the hell? Did he only have
enough strength in him to snap one neck and now the rest of the movie
his arms are too tired? Jones hears Neeson
in the shower, going to take him out. He sees a window open, going
out and running down an alley in pursuit. However we see Neeson has
faked him out, hiding on the other side of the window and returning
to the apartment.
Meanwhile Haircut
is about to inject Gina with a syringe full of deathjuice when he
hears a glass break in the next room. He pulls a gun out and advances
towards the bathroom, Neeson attacking him with a pipe. Gina escapes
in the fracas, finding Biko dead on the staircase, which
is quite the accomplishment for him because despite being the only
black guy in the movie, he didn't die first! Biko looks like he
died of a broken neck so I'm guessing Jones must have done it, as
Haircut used up all his “Neck Snap Power-ups” on poor Gretchen.
Haircut gets the drop on Neeson and starts strangling him, but Gina
returns and injects him with the syringe to kill him. Bet Haircut
wishes he'd used that gun now! And huge props
to Gina, she is out-actionning Liam Neeson in his own movie!
They leave in
Biko's taxi, Jones following them in the black SUV we saw earlier.
They engage in one of the most clear and easy to track chase scenes
I've ever seen in a movie, BY FAR the highlight of this film.
Seriously, the director needs to give classes to the rest of
Hollywood on how to film a damn car chase. The chase ends with Neeson
flipping the car and Jones smashing into a barricade. By the time
Jones get out he finds our heroes long gone.
Gina takes Neeson
into a club to hide, the DJ playing New Order's epic “Blue
Monday” to make this section of the movie even more awesome.
Thanks to the power of one of the greatest songs ever, his brain is
able to crack the mystery of the numbers. This triggers another
flashback of dark haired Liz, who asks him “are you ready?”
They meet with
Jurgen, Neeson revealing the words correspond to pages in his plant
book and in turn words. The code is “Calochortus Albus and
Umbellularia Californica”, which are two common plant
species. He doesn't know what this means though. They've also bought
some prepaid phones to keep in communication with each other, which
is a nice touch as I wouldn't have bought Neeson's Blackberry still
working after a swim in the river.
Jurgen asks about
the relationship between Bressler and Shada, Neeson telling him
they're very good friends. Bressler is trying to end world hunger
with a new kind of crop and Shada is funding his work. Jurgen has
learned the prince's progressive views have made him many enemies in
the Middle East, speculating whoever is behind this is impersonating
Neeson so they can get close to Shada to kill him.
As it's now
Saturday, Neeson decides to go to the art exhibit where Liz is going
to be, the Fake Harris will be off meeting with Bressler. Gina thinks
this is a terrible idea, as she so obviously has feelings for Neeson
now based off... uh, getting her best friend killed and her apartment
trashed? Involving her in a high stakes thriller with a lot of guys
who want to kill her?
Gina is staked
outside the hotel where Fake Harris and Bressler are meeting, and
will call Neeson when Fake Harris leaves. Neeson follows Liz inside
the art gallery, while Fake Harris's meeting with Bressler is
apparently only a few minutes because he leaves almost immediately.
It was probably a lot longer, but the editing is kind of confusing
here. Gina tries calling Neeson to warn him, but his new phone ain't
havin' it.
Neeson is about to
talk to Liz when he sees Jones, stopping and hiding behind a picture.
He gets a text from Gina, warning him about Fake Harris. HOT DAMN,
Gina is smart in this movie! She's even found a way to defeat
“Conveniently Not Working” cell phones! Having evaded
Jones again, Neeson confronts Liz. I don't mean to be insensitive
here, but does January Jones have some kind of speech impediment or
birth defect that makes her talk funny? Her acting is HORRIBLE, she
reads every line like she's in a 1996 Full Motion Video computer
game. Hell, the actors in the first Resident Evil video
game were better than this!
Outside, Fake
Harris and Gina arrive. I am so confused right now, was the hotel
like right next door to the art museum? There is too much bad going
on, my brain wants to explode! Liz tells Neeson that he was going
back for his briefcase and I'm not even going to question how the
hell she knew this because HER ACTING IS SO ATROCIOUS! Prophecy 3 Midriff Girl, hand in your crown NOW!
Liz tells him to
find the briefcase at the airport and that she'll meet him there. She
kisses him, which Gina arrives JUST IN TIME to see and gets quite
upset at. Called it! Liz tells Neeson she loves him and leaves.
Neeson and Gina leave the building, Neeson seeing Fake Harris and
Jones angrily confront Liz about where she's been.
So what do YOU
think is going on here? That scene makes it seem obvious Fake Harris
and Jones are forcing Liz to work with them, but that could just be a
red herring and Liz is behind the whole thing. I'm thinking it is a
fakeout, and the worst kind as it exists solely to trick the audience
because in-universe there's no reason for Fake Harris to get so angry
at Liz if they're in cahoots. I'm thinking this has to be an
impostor Liz, and the dark haired one Neeson keeps seeing is the real
Liz. Let's see if I'm right.
Back at his
apartment, Jurgen gets a call from Dr. Cole who is played by the one
and only Frank Langella. Cole says he just arrived in Berlin for the
last day of the summit, and is heading over to meet with Jurgen.
Jurgen mulls this over, thinking it's all bullshit. We see him take a
small packet out of his cupboard before Cole arrives.
Jurgen tells Cole
that he knows he's really part of an elite assassination unit called
Section 15. HOW he knows this exactly is never explained, so that's
one more wheel coming off this thing. Cole wants all the information
Jurgen has on Neeson, but Jurgen instead puts the packet in his tea
and drinks it. It turns out to be cyanide and he dies before Cole can
get any information out of him. The Section 15 reveal is just too out
there for a movie like this, especially when there was no set up or
information WHATSOEVER on it.
At the airport,
Neeson is at the lost luggage counter trying to get his briefcase.
The attendant won't let him have it since he has no ID, so he tells
her to open it and it'll prove everything. He just happens to
remember the combination, as his scene specific amnesia goes away for
this one. Well, that sure was nice of it! Inside is his
passport with his photo on it, so the attendant gives him the
briefcase. He also finds the original version of the photo of him and
Liz. Gina wants to go, but he's going to stay there like Liz told him
too. Gina goes to leave, heartbroken by all this for some reason.
Yeah Neeson is handsome, but you don't know him at all girl! If
anything he should be making puppy dog eyes at YOU because you've
saved his life two times now!
Neeson gives her a
ton of money that was in his briefcase, so she gives him his watch
back. She leaves as Cole arrives. Outside she sees Cole and Jones
abduct Neeson and throw him into a black van, so she jacks a taxi cab
and takes off in pursuit. It's at this point I want to remind you
that the
Surgeon General kindly advises you not to mess with Diane Kruger. Cole takes Neeson
to the top of a parking ramp, and now it's time for our Grand Reveal.
Liam Neeson is the top assassin for Section 15, and created the whole
identity of Martin Harris just so he could gain access to the summit.
Liz is not his wife, but was rather his partner for the mission. Fake
Harris is also a Section 15 agent, and was the backup agent in case
something happened to Neeson.
Umm.... hmm. One
little question here: WHY DIDN'T THEY HELP NEESON?!? Like the second
they realized Neeson had amnesia why didn't they just bring him in
and explain what was going on? Why try to kill him over and over
again and risk exposing themselves, as well as the lives of their
agents, when a simple explanation probably would have solved
everything? Or even if they're worried he might try to stop him, just
capture him until Shada is dead and then try to sort it out. Cole
even says something to the effect of Neeson was like a son to him,
he's that ready to throw Neeson under the bus when he's done nothing
wrong besides get in a car accident?
Thank the Gods
Gina arrives to disperse this idiotic plot twist by smashing her taxi
into Jones and the van, which knocks the van off the edge of the ramp
and down the ground where it explodes and kills Cole who was inside.
GOD! Diane Kruger has the highest kill count in the whole damn movie!
Luckily, the
suitcase wasn't in the van when Gina knocked it off the ledge. Neeson
finds a hidden compartment in it, which is full of fake passports for
him and Liz, including one of her with dark hair. Well, I was totally
wrong about their being twins. I guess the universe couldn't contain
THAT MUCH bad acting. This triggers the
full flashback of Liz with dark hair, as they were in the Hotel Albon
three months ago and when she asked if he was ready it was for him to
plant bombs in the suite where Shada is now staying.
Neeson realizes
the bomb is meant to kill Shada that night, he and Gina racing to
save him. Why don't they just call in a bomb threat to evacuate the
hotel? I know that doesn't make for a more exciting ticking clock
movie, but come on... they have NO idea when the bomb is going to go
off. What if it explodes on the way there? A bomb threat would have
prevented- ehh, this movie stopped using logic a long time ago I'm
Shada and Bressler
arrive for the pre-summit cocktail party, Fake Harris and Liz already
in attendance. Liz takes a laptop case Bressler is carrying, hanging
it on a coat rack despite his protests he'd rather carry it. She
secretly plants a device in the bag that allows her to copy the hard
drive of the laptop, the passwords for the laptop are the names of
the plants from Neeson's book. There's our fourth
tire, R.I.P. Car of Plot Contrivances. HOW THE BLOODY HELL DID
SECTION 15 KNOW BRESSLER'S PASSWORDS?!? There is no way he would have
told Harris his passwords when they talked over the phone, this is
such a gaping plothole it's causing the movie to collapse into upon
After copying the
hard drive files, Liz sets the bomb with the timer set to go off in
five minutes. Below at the entrance security stops Neeson and Gina
entering, as they actually remember Neeson from last time. He
convinces Strauss there's a bomb in the building, Strauss sounding
the evacuation alarm.
Hearing this, Liz
instructs Fake Harris to kill Shada who was spirited away by his
security force. She is going to defuse the bomb, since she doesn't
want to be tied to it because they have her face on camera from her
visit three months ago. Once again, I'm not questioning the logic of
any of this because HER ACTING IS GODAWFULER THAN GODAWFUL. I wonder
if the director is holding cue cards for her right off camera, with
all the words spelled out phonetically.
Neeson's scene
specific amnesia goes into recession as he realizes this whole thing
was about stealing the information from Bressler's hard drive and the
plot to kill Shada was just a cover. If the information about
Bressler's new crops were to fall into the wrong hands it could
be sold for billions. It is amazing to
watch a movie fall apart THIS hard. I almost feel like we're watching
a different movie at this point. Chalk this up to another insanely
convoluted and complex Hollywood heist plan that could have easily
been averted if anyone took two seconds to use some common sense.
Section 15 went
through ALL of this bullshit just to get some files they already had
the passwords for? They really couldn't have thought of a simpler way
to go about doing this besides forging a lifetime of credentials and
memories for a scientist, doing the research necessary for him to
able to converse with Bressler, and setting up a complicated bomb
plot to take out the prince of an entire country?
Fake Harris is
about to shank Bressler when Neeson jumps him. Up above, Liz displays
how effective all her years of super spy training was as she clumsily
fails to turn off the bomb and gets her ass blown up. Yeah,
that's a real shame there. The
explosion rocks the hotel, causing part of the ceiling to collapse
and hit Neeson in the head. This... restores his memory and oh my God
this is just hilarious at this point. If aliens or ninja turtles or
talking ponies show up right now I wouldn't be surprised one bit.
Neeson murders the
hell out of Fake Harris with a shard of glass just in time for Gina
to arrive. They almost play it like he's going to kill her now that
he's a bad ass assassin again, but it's just a brief fakeout and they
end up leaving arm in arm. Later at a train
station they watch a story about Bressler and Shada unveiling the new
crop to the world. Neeson gives a Gina a passport with her new
identity, Claudia Marie Taylor that complements his new identity of
Henry Taylor. They shake hands and introduce themselves as they board
a train to...?
Cue the credits.
An open letter to
RECALL! It's getting old. A man
working for an evil agency gets amnesia and ends up trying to stop
said agency's master plan. They even managed to include the evil
blonde wife and visions of a dark haired woman in this one.
Right off the bat,
I begrudgingly have to give the movie credit for not having Neeson
and Gina have sex or even kiss, so it dodged that particular cliché.
The movie kept me interested the entire time, so that's always a huge
plus. Diane Kruger was freaking AWESOME in this movie, she was
constantly smart and bad ass as all hell. You know you're doing
something right when you've killed more people than Liam Neeson in a
thriller! Neeson was good as usual, though he did feel a tad on
autopilot on this one.
The rest though...
damn. The story goes from interesting to stupid to “they HAVE to be
kidding” in record time thanks to some massive bouts of amazing
coincidences and plotholes the size of the Milky Way galaxy. Then
there's January Jones... she's not in the movie that much but every
scene she's in is like watching a YouTube video of some horrible
accident. You feel bad for watching it but you can't stop. I've been
curious about Mad Men for a couple of years now, but if she's a star
in it then count me out. I compared her to Prophecy 3 Midriff Girl
for terrible acting, but that was just some shitty direct to video
movie. This is a multimillion dollar Hollywood blockbuster with
arguably the biggest star in the world, and that's the best she could
perform? Wow.
You know what's
scary about this? If they were able to make a Taken 2, they
could SO make an Unknown 2 as well. This reminded me a lot of
Inception in this aspect, the Big Bad is still out there!
There had to be more to Section 15 than just Cole, not to mention
whoever hired them to steal Bressler's data in the first place. If
you see a sequel announced soon, do not be surprised.
Oh honestly, you never went through the poetic license machine? One could likewise deconstruct any Bourne movie with an unlikelihood-detector. Perhaps you have, I dunno.
ReplyDeleteAnd there's a twist on the 'Amnesia' theme sufficient to get us past its belabored cinematic history: the true character of his amnesia is that we think he's gotten over most of it in the hospital; and he knows—almost from waking up—that he 'is' Martin Harris, married, has a wife, is going to an important conference, just like we, the audience, 'know' this. It's not really an amnesia movie; but we are being misled. Bourne eventually finds out who he originally was.
At the end of the movie, *nobody* knows who this guy is except his Section-15 chief (nicely portrayed by a fine actor), who, shortly after disconsolately muttering about missing out on Thanksgiving winds up paralleling what Liam's accident failed.
I'm curious about the two protagonists at the end, however:
They are both now dubbed 'Taylor'. Hmm... Did he make the passports himself and whimsically use the same names, or is he suggesting to her that they should get hitched, or is he coyly sharing a joke with her about actual marriage: that they did in fact marry?
Otherwise, I agree with your assessment of J. Jones. This villainess badly needed some humanity, let alone villainy.
I like to use over-analysis when a movie's logic and plot twists are SO extreme that I just can't concentrate on the narrative anymore. I like to use the recentish "Casino Royale" movie starring Daniel Craig as a shining example, specifically the scene where he's poisoned and dying.
DeleteHe marches out to his car which just MAGICALLY happens to have a defibrillator built into it that saves him from poison. It's utterly ridiculous and borderline cartoon, but you don't actually question it given the narrative of the film.
The revelation that Section-15 would immediately just resort to murdering their friend just stuck out too extreme for me, especially when it's been established the lengths they take to plan out a mission.
I agree about Langella, he can pretty much do no wrong EVER. I was curious about the marriage thing too, I would think he faked a marriage license for them but maybe we'll find out in the sequel they could so make out of this.