Today I'm going to review Non-Stop,
which once again unites Liam “The Man” Neeson and Jaume “How
The Hell Do You Pronounce My Name?” Collet-Serra in ass kicking
bliss. You may remember their first effort, the underwhelming Unknown, which will forever be known as the
film that launched the Ghoul Meme: “Don't Fuck With Diane Kruger”.
Sadly she's not in this one to save the
film, so we're going to have to rely on the always awesome Julianne
Moore. Did you know she's 53 years old? She obviously drinks from
the same enchanted spring of eternal youth that Tom Cruise and Keanu Reeves drink from- wait,
there's no Keanu films on this blog yet? That's CERTAINLY going to
have to change soon!
Just like Unknown, we have two
great actors paired with a director who I'd say is pretty competent,
so will this mean a highly engaging and tense thriller or a somewhat
interesting movie that gradually buckles under the weight of its own
premise? Grab a pistol and an air sickness bag as we get ready for A
Ghoul Versus Liam Neeson's Non-Stop!
Our film opens with a very weary Liam
Neeson getting drunk in his car outside of an airport, mulling the
fact that he's in yet another dreary looking film where he's going to
have to shoot a bunch of people. He glances up at a photo of a
little girl on his visor, loving touching it with his finger so we
can get he loves his daughter very much like we wouldn't have already
guessed that by the fact this is a Liam Neeson movie. He gets out and
heads toward the airport, glancing at numerous people along the way.
How come all the creepy guys who stare in real life NEVER look like
Liam Neeson?
A man with glasses tries to make small
talk with him about his destination, but Neeson barely acknowledges
him. Neeson makes his way through the security lines, the guard
checking his passport so we can learn his name is William Marks. As
he waits to be waived through, he stares at a Middle Eastern looking
man because this is a post-9/11 film and a shot of this nature is
required by law if you're making an airplane movie.
Heading towards his gate, he now makes
note of the ageless Julianne Moore arguing with a flight attendant
over her seat. I now understand the title of this movie: it's him
staring at people NON-STOP! She's boring though so he turns his
gaze back to the Middle Eastern man, as the intercom announces their
flight to London will now begin boarding.
Julianne sits next to him and orders a
drink from the flight attendant, which William happily copies because
he is very pro-booze. The flight attendant, Nancy, makes her way to
the back to get their drinks where she meets another attendant named
Gwen, who is played by superstar in the making and bane of spell
checks everywhere, Lupita Nyong'o. Nancy asks the pilots if they
want anything as we learn she has a thing going with the co-pilot
Kyle Rice, thanks to a subtle glance and a comment by the captain,
David McMillan. Well done movie, THAT'S the definition of show,
don't tell.
Nancy brings Julianne her gin and tonic
but William only gets water, commenting it's not his lucky day. For
some reason, I think this JUST might be a bit of ironic
foreshadowing. He gets a text that is simply “Status?”, William
replying they are a go. I'm guessing he's the air marshal which
would explain why he's been checking out every passenger, but how
awesome would it be if HE was the terrorist and the Middle Eastern
man was the air marshal? I want to see that movie!
Julianne introduces herself as Jen, and
William replies his name is Bill. Yay for short names to type! The
plane starts taking off, Bill very nervous by the whole thing and
wrapping a ribbon his daughter made him around his hand for good
luck. Jen calms him down by getting him to talk about his daughter,
who is named Olivia and now is seventeen, which immediately makes me
wonder why he doesn't have a current photo of her. Hmm...
When Bill asks Jen about herself, she
immediately clams up and announces she's going to get some sleep.
That's not suspicious AT ALL, nope, not even a little bit. Later
Bill heads into the bathroom where he puts duct tape over the smoke
alarm and lights up a cigarette, as we learn he is indeed an air
marshal because we see him set his badge and gun on the shelf. He
returns to his seat, getting another text. This one asks him if he's
ready to do his duty, and when he asks who this is, the answer is one
of the passengers. Bill replies that breaching the network is a
federal offense, getting a reply text that so is smoking in the
bathroom. HA! That shut you up, Bill.
Bill takes a stroll around the plane to
see if anyone's on their phone, getting another message instructing
him to set his watch for twenty minutes. This is done with a text
message overlaying on the actual frame, which is a weird directorial
decision to say the least. It comes off looking like a high class
advertisement that you'd see in an airplane magazine. Bill asks why,
learning his mystery texter is going to kill someone on the plane at
that time if he doesn't get $150 million dollars wired to an enclosed
account number.
Bill texts back asking how he's
supposed to do that, the text pop-up even doing his auto-correct for
him. They've REALLY committed to this bizarre storytelling format,
which unfortunately isn't building a hint of tension for me.
Watching a murderous version of Pop Up Video does not a thriller
make. Texter tells him to a have a drink a figure it out, as we see
Jen has woken up and is watching him with great interest.
But lest we think she's the mastermind
behind this, the film shows us a couple of shady looking guys also
looking around. One of them, a man in a gray suit , heads to the
back where Brian confronts him over the texts. It turns out the man,
Jack Hammond, is ALSO an air marshal and Bill thinks he's messing
with him. Jack proves he's not by showing Bill his text history,
which is absent of death threats.
As this constitutes a threat to a
plane, Bill wants the flight to land immediately. Jack dismisses
this, thinking it's just someone playing a joke on him and then
brings up his drinking problem. He asks the exact same question I
had when I saw this movie's trailer: how do you kill somebody aboard
a crowded plane and get away with it? I like this guy!
Refusing to let it go, Bill goes to
talk to the pilots. They side with him, but they're over the
Atlantic Ocean at this point so there's nowhere to land. Bill
recruits Nancy and Jen to help him keep an eye on the passengers,
choosing Jen as she was next to him when the texts started so she has
to be innocent. He situates them in front of the security cameras,
asking them to watch anyone who is one their phone when he sends a
text. They get a list of a half dozen passengers, Jack among them.
The airplane's phone starts ringing,
Philip Marenick of the TSA on the other end and asking to speak with
Bill. He thinks Bill is overstepping his authority and won't act
until he gets confirmation with Jack. While this is going on, the
texter keeps messaging Bill and finally asks how is daughter is. Jen
points out Jack's actions are matching the exact timing of Bill's
Bill confronts Jack on his way to the
bathroom, Jack admitting he needs the money and can cut Bill in.
They break into a close quarters fight, which at least gives the film
an excuse as to why the camera is basically shoved into the actors'
backs so we can't tell who is hitting who. Jack grabs his gun,
forcing Bill to snap his neck to defend himself. This coincides with
Bill's alarm going off, as twenty minutes has now passed. Damn, now
THERE'S some convenient timing!
Locking Jack's body in the bathroom,
Bill ominously gets another text. It says “Sorry you had to do
that, Bill”, and then tells him to reset his timer for another
twenty minutes. He signs off imploring Bill to get the money,
because he'll have to kill someone again. Bill returns to the
cockpit, where David reveals they ran a trace on the account number
and it's in BILL'S name. David asks if anything happened when the
twenty minutes were up, Bill lying and saying nothing.
David then says Agent Marenick is
running the investigation from Washington DC, ordering Bill to turn
in his badge and gun. Bill does without throwing a fit, as he still
has Jack's gun so no big there. Jack's gun looks MUCH cooler anyway.
Personally, I'm bummed as this means we are deprived of Liam Neeson
with Dual Wielding Action.
Bill takes out Jack's phone, which was
damaged in their fight, and starts going through it. The movie even
reproduces the cracks in its screen on the pop-ups, which is so silly
I laughed out loud. This is yet another movie that couldn't have
been made twenty years ago as the entire plot is dependent upon
modern day technology.
The texts show the texter first
contacted Jack right after texting Bill, telling him he knows what's
in his briefcase and demanding he meet with him in the back of the
plane. Intrigued, Bill retrieves Jack's briefcase and finds it
contains what is known as a “Lohan-sized” bag of cocaine. He is
interrupted by Nancy, forced to show her Jack's body. She naturally
freaks out and tries to run, but he grabs her and explains everything
he knows.
He decides the only thing he can do is
pretend the airplane is being subjected to a random search for
weapons, announcing this over the intercom. The pilots hear this and
call back to the airport, reporting this as a hijacking. Bill
searches the passengers Nancy and Jen circled earlier, but comes up
empty handed. He does notice the man with glasses who tried to talk
to him in the beginning, remembering he said he was flying to
Amsterdam and not London, so he grabs him to talk. Marenick calls
again to command Bill to stand down, but this order is obeyed as well
as can be expected.
Bill interrogates his suspect, Tom
Bowen, learning he was paid by the texter to find out where Bill's
flight was headed. Tom identifies the man as having a European
accent and having brown hair, but doesn't see him on the plane
anywhere. Seeing there's less than a minute left, Bill pulls out his
gun and gets ready for something to happen as he gets another text.
This one declares the target isn't a passenger, as Bill realizes he
must mean the flight crew and starts running toward Nancy.
Then... the gravity goes to hell and he
slams into the ceiling. The hell? Is the texter a wizard? Bill
rushes to the cockpit where Kyle is standing over a convulsing David,
saying he just collapsed over the steering yoke which explains the
sudden deceleration of the plane. David dies, the texter taunting
Bill some more as he angrily resets the timer on his watch again.
Bill has the Middle Eastern man, Fahim Nasir, whom he learned was a
doctor while searching him, take a look at David's body. Fahim
concludes he was poisoned.
After clearing Kyle in the murder, Bill
calls Marenick to tell him the bad news and begs him to transfer the
money to the account. Marenick refuses, as that'd be negotiating
with a terrorist and that's a major no-no. Bill walks by Jen, who is
chatting with a nearby passenger she introduces as Zack. Zack JUST
HAPPENS to be a former smart phone programmer who has an idea to
somehow send a virus from Bill phone to the texter's phone that'll
make it ring through the magic of HACKING! Bill needs it done within
eight minutes before the next murder, giving Zack space by clearing
out the business class section and moving everyone to coach.
But there's ANOTHER complication, as
Bill looks out the window and notices the plane is turning. He goes
to Kyle to see what the hell is going on, learning Kyle has taken
orders from Marenick to land the plane at the nearest location AND
shut the cellular network down. Bill asks him for five minutes for
Zack can do his smart phone sorcery, Kyle reluctantly agreeing to
I really think we need more spinning
plates in this movie. My prayers are answered as an NYPD cop is
organizing other passengers in a revolt against Bill, as they believe
HE'S a terrorist hijacking the plane. This is in NO WAY an allusion
to 9/11, why would you even think that? Bill comes out and has
everyone in the plane raise their hands above their head and he sends
the virus to the texter's phone. The phone of one of the men
involved in the mutiny starts ringing, claiming he's never seen that
phone before as Bill takes it from him.
Bill takes him into business class to
talk to him, but HE dies of poisoning before Bill can discover
anything. Bill's alarm goes off, right on cue. I REALLY can't wait
to hear the explanation for how the texter is doing this, I'm hoping
this actually turns out to be a stealth sequel for Saw 14 or
whatever number that series is now up to. Bill goes into the
bathroom for a smoke as the cop starts raising the troops.
The movie finally throws Bill a
frickin' bone as he realizes his cigarette smoke is being sucked into
the paper towel dispenser, taking it off the wall and finding a small
hole into the cockpit. Searching the garbage, he finds two small
metallic syringe looking devices. He investigates the dead man's
body, finding a needle tip buried in his chest. Alright, now things
are starting to finally get ridiculous. How would you not notice
getting stabbed with a needle?
He tracks down an older woman who he
saw enter the bathroom earlier, asking if she noticed anyone use it
after her. She says Jen did, so Bill questions her about this but
determines she's innocent. We cut to the passengers, who are
watching a news report about Bill's attempted terrorism. That's
REALLY going to endear him to them now. Bill and Jen take a look at
the texter's phone, which initiates a countdown of thirty minutes.
Bill tells Jen to go back to coach to start searching the bags of
everyone, as he believes this to be a bomb timer. He calls Marenick
to update him, but Marenick ignores all of this and tells him the
plane will be shot down if he tries to land it before the designated
landing point.
Click here for Part 2!
Click here for Part 2!
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